
Evil Genius in Action

I don't feel no ways tiiiiired....

The video has been taken out of context far too much for my taste, however that doesn't change the fact that this is one brilliant, creative and sneaky woman. I'll even go as far as saying she is slicker than her hubby. If Ron Paul doesn't capture the hearts and minds of even MORE of the masses, this fine lady will have perfectly greased skids right to slide right into the whitehouse.
Spooky. Quite frankly, I'm much more apprehensive of her being president than I am of our current coked out and inebriated premiere who can barely eek out his thoughts due to chemically induced synaptic malfunction.

Her brain works.
She is coherent.
She is smart.
We know when GWB is lying. Not so w. Mrs Clinton. Either Hillary is much more practiced, or perhaps GWB simply doesn't care.
